Team 3: Rachel Rushing & Caroline Rushing Mayhew

Type: DWOD Teams
Price: $5.00


The Dancers

Rachel Rushing, 30 years old, is always on the go.  Every week she attends dance class, music class, Planet Fitness and even started her own book club with friends. Rachel goes to “college” at Abound Health where she teaches a cooking class once a month.  The highlight of her week is working at arcBARKS. There is no one who enjoys going to work as much as she does.  Rachel loves to sing and dance and is excited to participate in Dancing with our Diamonds. 
Caroline Rushing Mayhew, Rachel’s younger sister, has been her biggest supporter throughout her life.  In May of this year, Caroline will graduate from Wake Forest School of Medicine and will begin her residency in Anesthesiology. Caroline volunteers with City with Dwellings, WFBH Mobile Clinic and the Community Care Clinic. Most recently she has helped with the 321 GO! Golf Tournament which benefits The Down Syndrome Association. In her free time, Caroline loves spending time with family and her rescue dog, Flint. 

The Choreographer

Aimee Crepeau has been an instructor at Extravadance & Tumble for over 20 years, teaching all ages and dance genres for various combination classes. She was trained in dance at both the University of North Carolina School of the Arts and the University of Cincinnati. With such training, she has danced in the movie Dirty Dancing and performed on MTV’s “The Grind” for a season. As a member of the Cincinnati Ballet and the Land of the Sky Civic Ballet in Asheville, N.C., she has also performed as the Sugar Plum Fairy, Clara and Four Swans in Swan Lake. Aimee also has a personal passion for being engaged with children with special needs. Inspired by her brother Michael, she helped to create the Dreams In Motion special needs dance classes at Extravadance for boys and girls of all ages and functionalities.